Bridging loans for situations of Short term shortage of capital
Bridging loans are required by most business owners, investors, developers at some point in their lives.
We are specialist brokers with access to over 20 Non-bank funding sources, including small to large mortgage funds, private investors (including SMSF's seeking a higher return than the share market)
With a wide range of funding options, we are generally able to assist most bridging loan situations.
Loan to value ratio's vary and can go up to 90% LVR for strong clients, however most often are limited to 80% LVR.
Loan amounts from $30K to $20,000,000.
Interest rates vary from 1% per month to 4% per month. Most deals settledare priced up at 2% per month.
Security requirements:
To be elligible, you will in most cases require real property as security.
Other business assetts can also be used, such as trucks, trailers, vehicles, medical equipment.
The borrower must be a PTY LTD company, so you will need to have a PTY LTD company registered prior to any conditional approvals or offer letters being issued.
Since we are Finance and Mortgage brokers and have a variety of funding solutions, in some cases where the loan amount is less than $100,000, we often discover that potential clients have other business assetts that can be used as security, rather than going through the process of a securing the funds with a first or second mortgage which results has the result of increased setup costs. Securing business assetts is a much faster and cheaper solution.
Examples of situations that we often come across;
- Unexpected marital separation, requiring buyout of share of business or investments within certain timeframe to meet family law court orders.
- Business partner syphoned money out of business, leaving tax debt. The less active partner and director was left to pick up the pieces and raise short term funds, while awaiting sale of other assetts or refinance.
- ATO tax ruling resulted in review of capital gains and income tax liability, resulting in significant property investor and small time developer owing ATO hundreds of thousands. This resulted in client not meeting conditions of a proposed development loan from one of the major banks.
- Bank fails to advance sufficient funds on a progress payment - Developer needed urgent funds to keep construction crews on schedule. Business premises used as security.
- Family evicted from home due to bank calling in business loans due to borrowers in technical default